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2023 blogs for SVPT Fitness

Hiring a Certified Personal Trainer This Fall

As summer’s carefree days wane and the disciplined rhythm of fall takes over, there’s a renewed emphasis on routines, especially regarding health and fitness. This transition offers a new opportunity to invest in a certified personal trainer. If you’re in south Edmonton, one name stands out: SVPT Fitness & Athletics. A locally owned and operated gem, SVPT has pioneered the personal training industry for 15 years, setting unparalleled standards.

Why Invest in a Certified Personal Trainer this Fall?

  1. Personalized Guidance: Every individual is unique — in terms of goals, fitness history, physical conditions, and motivations. A certified personal trainer recognizes these nuances and crafts workouts tailored just for you. Whether your summer was filled with indulgences or prolonged inactivity, they gauge where you are now and chart a path forward.  SVPT certified personal trainers meet you where you are at and will guide you to your fitness goals safely and effectively.
  2. Structured Return to Routine: While self-motivation can get you started, maintaining consistency can be challenging. With summer over, the structured approach of a personal trainer ensures you’re not only returning to fitness but also evolving in your journey. Regular sessions with a personal trainer ensure that you get started and stay committed by helping you establish a routine. Personal trainers can help you create a routine that will work for you and your lifestyle. Routine creates consistency, and consistency is the key to success.
  3. Safety First: After a summer hiatus from structured exercise or trying something new, there’s a risk of injury without proper guidance. Certified personal trainers ensure you perform activities correctly, use equipment safely, and progressively intensify workouts as needed.
  4. Accountability and Motivation: One of the critical challenges in maintaining a fitness routine is staying accountable. Scheduled sessions with a personal trainer ensure you show up, push your limits safely and effectively, and remain committed to your wellness journey even when the initial enthusiasm wanes.
  5. Expertise and Knowledge: SVPT’s certified personal trainer brings a wealth of expertise in anatomy, exercise physiology, and the latest in fitness trends.  Whether your goal is to increase strength, improve cardiovascular, and improve mobility and flexibility, this expertise translates to more effective and efficient training programs and a comprehensive understanding of your fitness journey.


Why Choose SVPT Fitness & Athletics?

With numerous fitness options in south Edmonton, why should SVPT Fitness & Athletics be your go-to destination this fall?

  1. 15 Years of Excellence: A decade and a half in the fitness industry is not just a number. It’s a testimony to consistent excellence, adaptability to fitness trends, and a commitment to client wellness. With SVPT, you’re not just getting a gym; you’re getting a legacy.
  2. Privacy Matters: Unlike crowded commercial gyms where you often wait for equipment or feel overwhelmed, SVPT offers a private gym experience. This privacy ensures personalized attention and a comfortable environment to improve your fitness and focus on your goals.
  3. Highly Qualified Trainers: At SVPT, certification is just the beginning. The trainers are seasoned professionals who undergo continuing education and training to stay updated with the latest in fitness and improve themselves as coaches. Their expertise ensures you’re in safe, knowledgeable hands.
  4. Mental Health: Fitness is not just about physical exercises. Research has shown that exercise can improve mental health and well-being.  Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. They are often referred to as “happy hormones.” A personal trainer provides a structured routine, instilling a sense of discipline and purpose. Having a routine and sticking to it can be grounding and give a sense of stability.  Interacting with a personal trainer provides social engagement, which can help reduce feelings of loneliness or isolation. Regular social contact can benefit mental health, even if it’s just one person.
  5. Community Feel: While the gym offers a private experience, it also fosters a sense of community among its members. The environment is one of mutual encouragement, motivation, and shared goals.

As we transition from the free-spirited summer to the disciplined tones of fall, ensuring your fitness doesn’t get left behind is crucial. A certified personal trainer offers guidance, structure, and expertise in this transition. And in south Edmonton, SVPT Fitness & Athletics is the best choice for a private, personalized, and effective fitness experience. As the leaves change colour, let this season be the one where you transform, evolve, and achieve your fitness goals with SVPT by your side.


Shara Vigeant, BA, NSCA-CPT, CFSC

Click here to book your free assessment!

Crafting Excellence: What Makes SVPT Fitness & Athletics the Best Gym in South Edmonton

In the heart of South Edmonton, you’ll find a sanctuary of fitness that redefines the concept of health and personal growth. SVPT Fitness & Athletics is your private gym oasis and has been diligently sculpting the template of the best gym experience since 2008. How have we done it? The magic lies in our powerful blend of high-quality personal training, a team of the best personal trainers, a community, and a commitment to customer service and the individual needs of our clients.

When you think of the best gym, several factors naturally come to mind: state-of-the-art facilities, diverse training programs, and experienced fitness experts. At SVPT Fitness & Athletics, we raise the bar. Our focus goes beyond physical transformation. We focus on cultivating resilience, instilling confidence, and fostering a sense of community.

The Best Personal Training

A crucial component of our winning formula is offering the best personal training. Our approach is not one-size-fits-all. Everyone comes to us with different goals, physical abilities, and lifestyle needs. Hence, we’ve built our training philosophy around a personalized approach, adjusting to your history and lifestyle and helping you unlock your full potential.

Our team invests time in understanding your objectives and designs a custom-fit workout regime that motivates you to push your limits while enjoying the journey safely. Our training techniques vary from traditional to the latest, ensuring you get the best personal training experience in South Edmonton.

An Ensemble of the Best Personal Trainers

A gym is only as good as its trainers. Recognizing this, we’ve built a team of the best personal trainers, each with unique strengths and specializations. Our formally educated and certified personal trainers are more than fitness professionals; they are mentors, confidants, and cheerleaders. Their mission is to guide you, motivate you, and celebrate your victories, big and small.

Our personal trainers stay current on fitness research, ensuring you receive the most up-to-date guidance. Their expertise, passion, and dedication make SVPT Fitness & Athletics stand out among South Edmonton gyms.

Ensuring Consistent Improvement and Innovation

To maintain our standing as the best gym and offer the best personal training services in South Edmonton, we are relentless in our pursuit of continuous improvement and innovation.
We constantly research and introduce new training methods and technologies to optimize our members’ results. This ongoing commitment to improvement and innovation ensures that SVPT remains at the forefront of fitness, offering our clients nothing but the very best.

Quality, Not Quantity: The Value of a Private Gym Experience

One distinguishing feature that sets SVPT apart from many South Edmonton gyms is the private gym non-intimidating inclusive training experience. Unlike traditional, overcrowded fitness facilities, our private gym offers a more personalized, less intimidating atmosphere. A gym should be more than just a place to work out; it should be a sanctuary, a space where you feel comfortable, safe, and motivated to reach your fitness goals.

In our private gym setting, clients have the space to focus on their exercises, learn the correct form, and feel comfortable pushing their limits. This creates a respectful and supportive environment that fosters personal growth and peak performance.

Our equipment is meticulously maintained, our facilities are clean and welcoming, and our team is always ready to assist. Every detail is considered to ensure that your workout experience is nothing short of exceptional.

Commitment to Community

Being the best gym in South Edmonton is more than just providing top-tier personal training or a comfortable private gym experience. It’s also about fostering community. We encourage an inclusive culture where clients feel welcomed, valued, and inspired. When you hire an SVPT certified personal trainer, you don’t just get the support of that trainer and team; you get the support of others in the gym working towards their fitness goals. Our trainers and clients celebrate each other’s successes, no matter how small they may seem. This shared sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among our community goes a long way in enhancing motivation, consistency, and results.

We understand that the search for the best gym is not merely about finding a place to exercise. It’s about discovering a space to grow, challenge yourself, and feel supported on your fitness journey.

Prioritizing Education for Lifelong Fitness

SVPT is committed to fostering a culture of learning, a crucial element that elevates us to the rank of the best gym in South Edmonton. Our team doesn’t just instruct workouts; they educate clients about the principles of fitness and recovery. This empowers our clients to make informed decisions about their health and wellness, facilitating a balanced, sustainable lifestyle that extends beyond the gym’s walls.

What it takes to be the best gym in South Edmonton combines exceptional personal training, a conducive private gym atmosphere, a strong sense of community, a commitment to trainer and client education, and continuous improvement. At SVPT Fitness & Athletics, we’re proud to provide all of this and more, helping our clients make the most of their fitness journeys while creating a positive fitness community in South Edmonton.

Your journey to becoming the best version of yourself starts here. Start Today!

Elevate Your Fitness Journey

Edmonton is home to a thriving fitness community that caters to individuals with diverse fitness goals and preferences. Our private fitness facility offers expert fitness coaching, a supportive fitness community, and top-notch strength training programs tailored to your unique needs and goals. With 15 years of successfully coaching clients to help them achieve their fitness goals, this blog post will discuss how our personalized training sessions can help you elevate your fitness journey and achieve your goals in a welcoming and motivating environment.

Personalized Training Sessions: A Tailored Approach to Fitness

Our personalized training sessions set us apart from other fitness facilities in Edmonton. We understand that each individual has unique needs, goals, and abilities, so we create customized workout plans for you based on a thorough assessment and consultation. Our certified personal trainers work closely with you to assess your fitness level, medical history, lifestyle and individual objectives, ensuring your training program is optimized for success. This tailored approach ensures that every aspect of your workout is geared toward helping you achieve your specific goals. In addition, homework is provided for you to do on your own for days you cannot meet your trainer to ensure you continue working towards your goals.

Expert Fitness Coaching: Reach New Heights

At our fitness facility in Edmonton, we pride ourselves on providing expert fitness coaching to help you maximize your potential. Our certified personal trainers have the formal education, knowledge and skills to effectively guide you through your fitness journey. In addition, they provide invaluable advice on exercise selection, technique, and programming, as well as ongoing support and encouragement to keep you motivated and committed to your goals. By working with our expert fitness coaches, you can expect significant improvements in your overall health and well-being.

The Power of a Fitness Community: A Supportive and Motivating Environment

One of the key aspects of our fitness facility is the vibrant and supportive fitness community we have cultivated. A strong camaraderie and belonging are essential for long-term success in any fitness journey. Our members come from all walks of life, varying in age and fitness level, united by their passion for health and fitness. This welcoming environment fosters a sense of accountability and motivation, helping you stay on track and push yourself harder during your workouts.

Strength Training in Edmonton: Building a Strong Foundation

Strength training is a crucial component of a well-rounded fitness program, offering numerous benefits such as increased muscle mass, improved bone density, and enhanced athletic performance. Our fitness facility in Edmonton offers top-notch strength training programs to help you build a strong foundation for your fitness journey. Our certified personal trainers utilize various strength training methods and equipment, ensuring that your workouts are effective and engaging. Whether you are new to strength training or an experienced athlete, our strength training programs will help you achieve your fitness goals.

If you are looking for a private fitness gym in Edmonton that offers personalized training sessions, expert fitness coaching from formally educated personal trainers, a supportive fitness community, and exceptional strength training programs, look no further. Our commitment to providing a tailored approach to fitness, combined with our knowledgeable trainers and welcoming environment, ensures that you have the tools and support necessary to achieve your fitness goals. So join our fitness community today and journey towards improved health and well-being.

Shara Vigeant, BA, NSCA-CPT, CFSC

Spring into Action: How to Kickstart Your Fitness Routine

Spring presents a perfect opportunity to rejuvenate your fitness routine. As the days get longer and temperatures rise, you have more opportunities to engage in various outdoor activities or even hire a private certified personal trainer indoors at your favourite fitness facility, like S.V.P.T. However, starting a fitness routine can be daunting, especially if you’ve been inactive during winter. So here are some tips to help you kickstart your spring fitness routine successfully.

Set clear, achievable goals

Define what you want to achieve. Are you looking to lose weight, gain muscle, improve flexibility, or run a marathon? Be sure to incorporate a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises to create a well-rounded routine. Consider working with a personal trainer for expert fitness coaching to help guide you and provide motivation. Setting clear, achievable goals will help keep you focused and motivated. Ensure your goals are S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). This could be as simple as committing to a 30-minute walk every day or as ambitious as preparing for a half-marathon by summer. Put a timeline on it, so it’s something to work towards each time you exercise. 

Start slowly and gradually build up

If you’ve been inactive, your body needs time to adjust to the new routine. Start with light exercises like walking or yoga, and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. A gradual approach reduces the risk of injury and increases the likelihood of maintaining your fitness routine. You were different from where you were last year, so remember this when you start. Slow and steady will always win the race. 

Create a routine and stick to it

Consistency is key when it comes to fitness. Set aside specific times for exercise and make it a part of your daily routine, like an important appointment, and this appointment is non-negotiable. It might be challenging initially, but your body will adapt over time, and it will become a habit. 

Incorporate variety into your workouts

Doing the same exercise every day can get boring, leading to a fitness plateau. Incorporate variety into your workouts to keep them interesting and to challenge different muscle groups. You can alternate between cardio exercises, strength training, flexibility exercises, and balance workouts. Also, find activities that you enjoy and look forward to doing. Whether dancing, swimming, hiking, or joining a sports team, participating in activities you enjoy will make it easier to stick to your fitness routine. Consider trying new workouts and mixing up your routine to keep things fresh and exciting.

Embrace outdoor activities: Spring is a great time to take your workout outdoors—activities like trail walks, stairs, cycling, or even recreational sports like basketball. 

Prioritize rest and recovery

Rest and recovery are essential for preventing injuries and allowing your body to rebuild and strengthen itself. Incorporate rest days into your fitness routine and ensure you get adequate sleep each night. Listen to your body and adjust your workout intensity and frequency as needed to prevent overtraining and burnout.

Seek support

If you’re struggling to maintain your fitness routine or need advice, don’t be afraid to seek support from a fitness professional. At S.V.P.T., our certified personal trainers can create personalized training sessions to help you reach your fitness goals safely and effectively. Many trainees start at S.V.P.T. to learn proper programming and exercise form in a welcoming fitness community of like-minded people of all ages and fitness levels. You will get support, expertise and a lot of high-fives to help you stay motivated and inspired to reach your fitness goals.

Shara Vigeant, BA, NSCA-CPT, CFSC

Benefits of Strength Training

Strength training, also known as resistance training, has so many benefits. We have always been very outspoken about why everyone should engage in strength training regardless of age or fitness level. Of course, we always think of ‘muscle’ when it comes to strength training, but there is more to it than just building or maintaining muscle mass.

World-renowned strength coach Bret Contreras made an exhaustive and extensive list of the benefits of strength training, full credit to him.

Improved Functional Performance

  • Improve ease of daily activities
  • Reduce cardiovascular demands
  • Increase strength, power, speed, endurance and stamina

Injury Prevention

  • Prevent falls, risk of bone fractures and disability
  • Prevent muscle strains during recreational activities

Stronger Body

  • Improve bone density
  • Increase and preserve muscle
  • Improve connective tissue strength
  • Improve immune system
  • Improve flexibility and mobility
  • Improve joint stability
  • Improve balance and coordination
  • Improve posture
  • Decrease pain

Decrease Risk of Disease and Illness

  • Prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis
  • Prevent sarcopenia
  • Improve insulin sensitivity and prevent insulin resistance
  • Improve resting metabolic rate
  • Improve gastrointestinal transit time
  • Decrease blood pressure
  • Decrease arterial stiffness
  • Decrease triglyceride levels
  • Decrease total and LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol
  • Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attack
  • Reduce the risk of stroke
  • Reduce the risk of cancer
  • Reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome
  • Reduce the risk of frailty syndrome
  • Reduce the risk of obesity
  • Reduce chronic inflammation
  • Improve gut microbiome

Improved Brain / Mental Health

  • Improve cognitive function
  • Increase self-confidence
  • Increase self-efficacy
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Combat depression
  • Combat anxiety
  • Improve mood
  • Decrease emotion-related impulsivity
  • Decrease psychological stress
  • Increase sense of well being
  • Improve memory
  • Prevent neurodegeneration
  • Reduce brain atrophy
  • Increase functional brain network connectivity

Improved Life

  • Improve the quality of life, life satisfaction and happiness
  • Increase lifespan and decrease all-cause mortality risk
  • Increase sleep duration and improve quality of sleep
  • Improve appetite satiety
  • Diminish biological aging and premature death
  • Increase daily energy and reduce fatigue

At SVPT, we focus on strength training and its many forms because it is the fountain of youth and can help not just with athletics but the quality of life. Strength training can involve bodyweight, free weights, machines and resistance tubing. Many tools are available to improve the strength of your body and muscles. 

Reach out to a fitness professional today to learn the proper form and application of strength training so you can live an easier and healthier life. 

Shara Vigeant, BA, NSCA-CPT, CFSC

Exercise and Mental Health

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is how important our mental health is.  Many people discovered just how much exercise positively impacted their mental health during those trying years.  Exercise has been widely recognized as an effective tool for improving mental health, from releasing endorphins to reducing stress hormones and improving brain function.

Endorphins are chemicals the body produces that can improve mood and reduce pain. Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, which can lead to feelings of happiness and well-being. This is why exercise is often recommended as a way to help improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. No one has ever felt worse after moving their body.

In addition to endorphins, exercise can also reduce the levels of stress hormones in the body. When we experience stress, our bodies release hormones such as cortisol, which can harm our mental health. However, exercise can help to reduce these stress hormones, leading to a decrease in anxiety and depression.

Exercise also has a positive impact on brain function. When we exercise, blood flow to the brain increases, which can improve cognitive function and memory. This is why exercise is often recommended for older adults at risk of cognitive decline. Regular exercise can also improve the quality of sleep, which is essential for maintaining good mental health.

Another way that exercise can improve mental health is by providing a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. When we set fitness goals and achieve them, we feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. This can lead to increased self-esteem and confidence, which can help combat depression and anxiety.

Exercise can also provide a social outlet, which is important for maintaining good mental health. Joining a fitness class or group can offer the opportunity to connect with others who share similar interests. This can help reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, which are common among people with mental health conditions.

Of course, we all are aware that exercise can improve overall physical health. Regular exercise can reduce the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. These conditions are often associated with poor mental health, so by improving physical fitness through exercise, we can also improve our mental health.

For many starting, an exercise regime can seem daunting. You don’t have to feel good to start; you have to start to feel good.  Exercise does not have to be intense or time-consuming to impact mental health positively. Even light exercise, such as walking or yoga, can be beneficial. The key is finding an activity you enjoy and can incorporate into your daily routine.  Start with as little as a 10-minute walk to see and feel improvement.

Numerous studies support the positive effects of physical activity on various aspects of mental well-being. Here are a few key findings from such studies:

  1. Depression: A meta-analysis by Cooney et al. (2013) found that exercise is effective in reducing symptoms of depression, particularly for those with mild-to-moderate depression. The study concluded that exercise could be used as a treatment alongside medication and therapy. (Reference: Cooney, G. M., Dwan, K., Greig, C. A., Lawlor, D. A., Rimer, J., Waugh, F. R., … & Mead, G. E. (2013). Exercise for depression. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (9).)
  2. Anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis by Herring et al. (2010) concluded that exercise interventions could significantly reduce anxiety symptoms. The effects were found to be similar across different types of exercise and intensity levels. (Reference: Herring, M. P., O’Connor, P. J., & Dishman, R. K. (2010). The effect of exercise training on anxiety symptoms among patients: a systematic review. Archives of internal medicine, 170(4), 321-331.)
  3. Stress reduction: A study by Rimmele et al. (2009) showed that exercise can buffer the effects of stress on the brain, leading to reduced stress-related disorders. The researchers found that participants who exercised regularly had a better stress response than those who were sedentary. (Reference: Rimmele, U., Zellweger, B. C., Marti, B., Seiler, R., Mohiyeddini, C., Ehlert, U., & Heinrichs, M. (2009). Trained men show lower cortisol, heart rate and psychological responses to psychosocial stress than untrained men. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 34(6), 818-825.)
  4. Cognitive function: A meta-analysis by Northey et al. (2017) found that exercise can improve cognitive function, specifically in attention, processing speed, and memory. The study highlighted the importance of incorporating aerobic and resistance training to maximize mental benefits. (Reference: Northey, J. M., Cherbuin, N., Pumpa, K. L., Smee, D. J., & Rattray, B. (2018). Exercise interventions for cognitive function in adults older than 50: a systematic review with meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52(3), 154-160.)
  5. Quality of life and self-esteem: A systematic review by Biddle and Asare (2011) concluded that exercise could enhance self-esteem and overall quality of life. The study found that physical activity benefits mental health across all age groups, including children, adolescents, and adults. (Reference: Biddle, S. J., & Asare, M. (2011). Physical activity and mental health in children and adolescents: a review of reviews. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 45(11), 886-895.)

While exercise is essential for improving mental health, it is not a substitute for professional treatment. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional. They can provide the support and guidance you need to manage your symptoms and improve your overall well-being.

Shara Vigeant, BA, NSCA-CPT, CFSC

Partner Personal Training

Partner Personal Training:  Fitness for Two!

Who wouldn’t love having someone support you in your training sessions? Partner personal training is a great fitness option for benefiting from the expertise of a certified personal trainer while saving some money and having fitness fun with another person.

You and a family member, spouse, friend, or co-worker exercise together under the guidance and expertise of a certified personal trainer. The personal trainer provides customized training programs and accountability to keep you motivated and on track to crush your fitness goals. Having someone join you on your fitness journey can also offer a more cost-effective way to access personal training regularly, as it splits costs between two people.

Some of the best benefits of partner personal training in a private gym:


Having a partner during your workout can be a great way to stay motivated and accountable. You can coach and push each other through those hard days. In addition, you are more likely to remain committed to your fitness goals and reach new performance levels with a training partner.

Better Results

When you are more committed to showing up to your training sessions because you have a partner waiting for you, you will be more consistent. And we all know that consistency is the secret sauce to success. 

Improved Workout Experience

Partner personal training provides a more social and interactive workout experience than working out alone. The shared experience with a partner can make exercise more enjoyable and provide a source of support and encouragement. Who doesn’t love a high five after crushing a challenging exercise? 

Increased Confidence

Partner personal training can help increase confidence and self-esteem. The progress and results achieved from crushing challenging exercises can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost self-confidence. Additionally, working out with a partner can offer a supportive and encouraging environment, further boosting confidence and self-esteem. 

Budget Friendly

Partner training can be cost-effective, making hiring a personal trainer more accessible regularly and considerably less than private or one-on-one personal training. You will be sharing the cost of a personal trainer, splitting the cost in half. 

Fun Factor

Working out with a friend can keep exercise interesting and fun. It can help break up the monotony of training alone and give you something to look forward to. Additionally, partner training can add an element of friendly competition, increasing motivation, and pushing each other to excellence while creating a sense of camaraderie.


Everyone has bad days and is unmotivated to exercise sometimes. Having someone there with you before and during those hard days can help provide emotional support that may be hard to find working out on your own. Partners can help each other stay motivated, push through difficult exercises and days, and celebrate achievements together.  More high fives!!

Improved Relationships

If your training partner is a friend, spouse or family member, partner personal training can allow partners to bond and improve their relationship. The shared experience of working towards a common goal can bring partners closer together and provide a source of support and encouragement for each other.

Overall, partner personal training can be a fun and effective way to achieve fitness goals while building a solid and supportive relationship with a workout buddy. Partner personal training provides a comprehensive and personalized approach to fitness that can help you reach fitness goals effectively and efficiently while improving your overall well-being.

Shara Vigeant, BA, NSCA-CPT, CFSC

The Role of Cardiovascular Training in Your Fitness Routine

Cardiovascular training, or cardio, is essential to any fitness routine. It involves exercise that increases your heart and breathing rates, such as running, cycling, swimming, brisk walking, or circuit training. Cardiovascular training provides numerous benefits for your health and fitness, including improving heart health, reducing stress, and boosting energy levels. In this blog post, I’ll dive into The Role of Cardiovascular Training in Your Fitness Routine. 

One of the main benefits of cardiovascular training is that it improves heart health. When you engage in cardio exercises, your heart rate increases, making your heart stronger and more efficient at pumping blood. This can help lower your blood pressure, reduce your risk of heart disease, and improve your overall cardiovascular health.

Another benefit of cardiovascular training is that it can help reduce stress. When you bump your heart rate, your body releases endorphins, natural mood-boosting chemicals. This can help reduce stress and anxiety and improve your overall mental health. Additionally, the rhythmic nature of cardio exercises, such as running or cycling, can also be meditative and calming.

Cardio can also help boost your energy levels. Your body releases adrenaline and other hormones to help you feel more alert and energized. Additionally, regular cardio training can help improve your endurance, making it easier to perform everyday activities and activities you enjoy. Cardio makes life easier!  No one wants to be out of breath doing daily tasks. 

So how much cardio should you do, and at what intensity?  We like to surf the curve of cardio intensity.  Moderate-intensity exercises, such as resistance training, brisk walking or cycling, should feel challenging but still allow you to hold a conversation. Vigorous-intensity exercise, such as running or high-intensity interval training (HIIT), should feel hard and make it difficult to have a conversation. Both types of exercise can benefit, but it’s essential to work within your fitness level and gradually increase the intensity over time.

Most people have a fitness tracker and can use your heart rate as a monitor for intensity.  There are several different heart rate zones, each corresponding to a different level of effort and providing additional training benefits. In addition, using a heart rate monitor can help you scale up or down.

The five main heart rate zones are:

  1. Zone 1: Very Light (50-60% of maximum heart rate). This zone is for warm-up, cool-down, and recovery. It is a low-intensity zone that can be maintained for long periods. This zone is ideal for beginners and those looking to improve their cardiovascular fitness.

  2. Zone 2: Light (60-70% of maximum heart rate). This zone is for endurance training and is ideal for building an aerobic fitness base.  This zone is the foundation that allows you to do more work or train longer.  It is the most important zone, allowing you to work in the other zones longer.  It can be sustained longer than Zone 1 but allows for comfortable conversation.
  3. Zone 3: Moderate (70-80% of maximum heart rate). This zone can increase the strength and efficiency of the heart and lungs. This zone requires moderate effort, and you should be able to breathe comfortably but feel that you exert moderate effort. Zone 3 can help to increase the strength and efficiency of your heart and lungs, improving your body’s ability to transport and utilize oxygen during exercise.

  4. Zone 4: Hard (80-90% of maximum heart rate). This zone is for anaerobic training and is ideal for improving speed, power, and muscular endurance. Training in this zone increases the body’s ability to tolerate and recover from high-intensity exercise. This zone requires a high level of effort and can only be sustained for shorter periods. Zone 4 is typically where HIIT should occur.

  5. Zone 5: Maximum (90-100% of maximum heart rate). This zone is for peak performance and is used for interval training, high-intensity training, and competition. Exercise in this zone improves maximum oxygen uptake and increases speed and power. However, this zone requires maximum effort and can only be sustained for very short periods.

It is important to note that maximum heart rate varies from person to person and can be influenced by age, fitness level, and genetics. A general formula for estimating the maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age. However, consulting with a healthcare provider before starting a new exercise program is recommended, especially if you have any medical conditions or are taking medication that may affect your heart rate.

The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) provides physical activity guidelines for different age groups and populations. For example, the CSEP recommends that adults aged 18-64 engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activity per week in bouts of 10 minutes or more.

Generally, we tell clients to add Zone 2 training a few times a week for periods of up to 30-45 minutes and add in Zone 3 and 4 a few times a week.  But don’t be afraid of Zone 5. Of course, this depends on your current fitness and health status, so consult a fitness professional to help you navigate. 

When choosing a type of cardio exercise, it’s essential to consider your interests, goals, and fitness level. Running, cycling, swimming, stairs, and brisk walking are all popular forms of cardiovascular training. Other options include dance and group fitness classes focusing on interval training. It’s important to choose an exercise you enjoy and can maintain consistently over time.

In addition to traditional cardio exercises, there are many ways to incorporate cardiovascular training into your daily life. For example, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking or cycling to work, and doing household chores such as vacuuming or gardening can provide a cardiovascular workout. Additionally, incorporating intervals of higher-intensity exercise into your daily activities, such as walking or jogging intervals, can also provide cardiovascular benefits.

Overall, cardiovascular training is an essential component of any fitness routine. It provides numerous benefits for your physical and mental health, including improving heart health, reducing stress, and boosting energy levels. However, when incorporating cardiovascular training into your routine, it’s important to consider the type, duration, and intensity of the exercise and choose activities you enjoy and can maintain consistently over time.

Shara Vigeant, BA, NSCA-CPT, CFSC

Benefits of Small Group Training

Small group personal training or semi-private personal training has become increasingly popular in recent years as an alternative to traditional one-on-one private personal training. Small group training, also known as small group classes, typically involves a group of 8-10 clients working with one personal trainer.  Semi-private personal training consists of 3-4 clients with one personal trainer. Both types of training offer similar and numerous benefits over traditional one-on-one personal training.

At SVPT, we have always maintained that small group training or small group classes are where clients do the SAME training (like a metabolic conditioning or mobility class) under the instruction of a certified personal trainer (not a “fitness instructor”). In contrast, semi-private personal training is where clients do their own customized training program on their own under the guidance of a certified personal trainer.

Both small group training and semi-private personal training have many of the same benefits for clients:

  • Personalized attention: In a small group setting, trainers can provide more quality instruction and personalized attention to each participant, allowing them to better understand and address individual needs, goals, and limitations.
  • Cost-effective: Small group training and semi-private personal training are more affordable than one-on-one personal training, making it a more accessible option for many people looking for guidance on improving their fitness.
  • Motivation and accountability: A small group’s social dynamic can foster camaraderie and encouragement. Participants can encourage and support each other, creating a positive atmosphere and helping to hold each other accountable for attendance and effort.
  • Variety and creativity: Trainers can design varied and creative workouts for small group sessions, incorporating different exercises and equipment. This can help keep participants engaged and excited about their activities.
  • Increased social interaction: Small group training offers the chance to meet new people and develop friendships, which can lead to a more enjoyable and supportive workout environment.
  • Healthy competition: Friendly competition within a small group can drive participants to push themselves harder and achieve significant results while maintaining a supportive and collaborative atmosphere.
  • Enhanced safety: The increased supervision in small group training classes can help ensure proper exercise technique, reducing the risk of injury.

Many clients at SVPT use a combination of private personal training sessions with either small group training and/or semi-private personal training.  Some clients see a trainer for a private personal training session once or twice a week for more individualized attention and then attend a semi-private personal training session for some fun with others while still doing their own customized training program.  This gives a great blend of private sessions with group motivation. 

For 15 years, we have been in the business of high-quality fitness services.  Our small group classes only have 10 people so you can be assured the trainer will be making sure you are performing the exercises with proper form to avoid injury, and we were the first to bring semi-private personal training to private gyms in Edmonton.  We will continue to raise the bar when it comes to personal training services in Edmonton. 

Shara Vigeant, BA, NSCA-CPT, CFSC

The Best Time to Exercise

The Best Time to Exercise

Exercise is essential to a healthy lifestyle, and its timing can impact its effectiveness.  While everyone’s schedule and lifestyle are different, some general guidelines can be followed to determine the best time to exercise.

In the simplest terms, the answer is – whenever you can fit it in with consistent effort and presence.  As a personal trainer of 19 years, I have experienced a lot of clients’ successes and failures.  One of the most significant issues I see with clients is trying to include exercise at a time that doesn’t fit their current lifestyle. 

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing the best time to exercise is your personal schedule and energy levels.

If you are not a morning person, you will not be excited to get out of bed extra early to move your body.  While you think you can push through and get it done, it will be short-lived.  We don’t want short-lived; we want long-term and a workout that is sustainable.  You are who you are, and that’s ok!  Afternoons or evenings might be your jam, and that is great!  Don’t let social media shame you for not exercising in the morning, and don’t ever compare yourself to what others might be doing!

Life is all about change, and exercise time preference will change with your commitments and the seasons.  If you are a morning exerciser in the summer but find better energy to exercise in the afternoon in the winter, that is perfectly acceptable! Come the summer, you might become a morning person because the sun is up so early. 

Pros of Morning Exercise

Improved Energy for The Day: Regular morning workouts help to energize your body and sharpen your concentration for the day, which makes staying productive during work hours easier.

Adherence for Longevity: Working out in the morning helps to establish an exercise routine and allows you to get it out of the way so that you don’t have to think about it later.  You will be less likely to skip workouts because of things happening in life, which leads to more consistency overall.

Good Mood: Morning exercise produces hormones, such as endorphins, which reduce stress levels, enhance your mood and encourage making better choices during the day.

Cons of Morning Exercise

More Likely to Hit Snooze: It is easy to sleep through your alarm or hit snooze if you didn’t get enough sleep, ruining your exercise plans for the day.

Sleep Debt:  If getting to bed early so you can get up early to train is an obstacle, and you need more sleep, eventually, you will hit a wall from consistently being tired and sleep deprived. 

Lower Energy:  Many need help getting the energy going first thing in the morning, which will lead to less intense sessions or a struggle to be engaged in the session.

Pros of Afternoon/Evening Exercise

Better Performance: Working out in the evening may improve performance and increase strength because your body is more warmed up.  This is especially beneficial for athletes or those taking part in competitive sports.

Improved Sleep Quality: Lower-intensity exercise, such as yoga, in the evening can help you get better sleep as it can help you decompress, leading to more restorative sleep.

Reduced Stress: Evening workouts are a great way to reduce stress and provide a sense of balance.  Exercise the day’s stresses away!

Greater Enjoyment: It may feel more comfortable and less rushed for some in the evenings or afternoons because there are no pressing obligations.

Break Up the Day:  An afternoon workout can give you a mental and physical break from long work hours and recharge you for the rest of the day.

Pros to Afternoon/Evening Exercise

Too Much Simulation Before Bedtime: High-intensity exercise increases your heart rate and can cause an adrenaline rush, making it hard to relax before bed.

Lower Quality Sleep: Studies have shown that exercising too close to bedtime can reduce sleep quality and make you more likely to suffer from interrupted sleep.

Interference With Other Responsibilities: Exercising late in the evening can cut into the time you would typically use for other essential tasks such as studying, time with the kids or family, or preparing for the next day.

The best time of day to exercise depends on several factors, including your personal schedule and energy levels, your sleep schedule, and the type of exercise you are doing.  It comes down to a time that works best for you and your lifestyle that allows you to be consistent.  If you want to get up at 5 am and get it done, it works – fantastic.  If you have to exercise after the kids go to bed at 8 pm – excellent.  While there are some general guidelines to follow, the most important thing is to find a time that works for you that allows you to make exercise a habit.

Shara Vigeant, BA, NSCA-CPT, CFSC