Personal Trainer

Jordan Johnson


  • American Council on Exercise (ACE)
  • Senior Specialist


Jordan has always used physical activity and sports as an outlet from everyday life stressors, to improve and heal sport injuries, and to have fun. Jordan is known to set goals, spend numerous hours and get hyper-focused on his desired results, reaching his objectives through extreme passion and dedication. He is always trying to reach the next level in whatever athletic aim he sets out to achieve.

For Jordan playing sports goes hand-in-hand with family. From playing a friendly family game of shinny hockey in minus 35 on boxing day, to full contact basketball – he is always ready and willing to participate and compete.

Jordan will always demonstrate his passion through his knowledge, his walk the talk attitude, and his unconditional love and dedication towards his clients.

Trainee Type:

Jordan has been training people from all walks of life and ethnic backgrounds for over a decade, whose goals and skill levels all vary vastly; from wanting to jump higher and dunk, to moving better in order to play with their grandchildren. Jordan will eagerly go the extra mile to build a specialized training program for each one of his clients in order to get them to their desired goal(s). Additionally, Jordan believes in approaching fitness with a “have fun first” attitude. He wants his clients to not only come to him to reach health and fitness goals, but to have fun, and build friendships.

Training Philosophy:

Taking an inside-out, top top-to-bottom approach.

Being a trainer/ coach to Jordan, is a privileged responsibility. He has been blessed with the opportunity to move and inspire people’s lives through health and fitness. This is not a responsibility he takes lightly. He strives to help his clients achieve longevity, connecting each piece of the fitness puzzle together in order to achieve a larger outcome. He believes all training sessions should involve laughter and overall fun. And who knows, you might laugh so much with him, you may even be able to skip doing an ab workout.

Favourite Exercise:

Any plyometrics aka jumping exercise. You need a little bit of everything to have elite jumping skills. Body coordination, balance, stability, strength, speed, power and explosiveness. Fighting against gravity is so enjoyable.